Grove City Lodge No. 689, F. & A.M.
A SPECIAL meeting of Grove City Masonic Lodge No. 689, F. & A. M. was held at Grove City on the 11th day of March A.D. 2023 A.L. 6023
For the Purpose of Grove City’s 100th Anniversary Reconnsecration
Worshipful Master Anthony Odrosky
Senior Deacon Jay Firm
Senior Warden Jarrod Simmons
Junior Deacon Seth Kondrath
Junior Warden Brandon West
Senior Steward Michael Bauman
Treasurer WB L. Keith Fields
Junior Steward Justin Martin
Secretary WB Stacy McClain
Chaplain WB Fred Ford
LEO WB Douglas Winemiller
Tyler Bob Boyer
Total in attendance Members 20 Visitors 62 Total 82
Opening: All were called to order and the colors were posted by Boy Scout Troop #734 The Reconsecration team marched in and took their positions in the North and South. Most Worshipful Brother Ron Winnett stated that the purpose of this special meeting was the Reconsecration of Grove City Masonic Lodge #689 F & A M on its 100th anniversary.
An opening prayer was given by RWB Grand Chaplain Mark D. Harris. Most Worshipful Brother Ron Winnett then had Bro. Senior Deacon Jay Firm present Most Worshipful Master Steven M. Grindle Grand Master of all Masons in Ohio West of the Alter. Brother Senior Deacon then presented him and escorted him to the East where Most Worshipful Brother Ron Winnett welcomed him to Grove City and thanked him for being here. Grand Honors were then given. Most Worshipful Master was then asked to preside over the meeting. MWM Grindle then opened the Lodge for the purpose of Grove City Masonic Lodge #689 Reconsecration. Right Worshipful Ward Weber II attended to the Alter and opened the Bible to the twelfth Chapter of Ecclesiastes. The Grand Marshall for today’s ceremony Ward Weber II then introduced the Grand Officers who will take part in the Reconsecration Ceremony
Deputy Grand Master RWB Paul A. Weglage
Senior Grand Warden RWB William M Carter III
Junior Grand Warden RWB Shawn A. Johnson
Grand Treasurer MWB Steven E. Cokonought
Grand Secretary MWB Keith W. Newton
Grand Chaplin RWB Mark D. Harris
Grand Orator RWB Michael L. McCandlish
Grand Marshall RWB Wayne D. Harris
Senior Grand Deacon RWB Daniel K. Rannebarger
Junior Grand Deacon RWB Jeffery M. Sime
Senior Grand Stewart WB Stacy McClain
Junior Grand Steward WB Richard Heimann
Grand Tyler RWB Keith J. Manbeck
Past Master with Three Great Lights WB Keith Fields
Past Master with Corn WB Michael Jaynes
Past Master with Wine WB David Sweeley
Past Master with Oil WB Douglas Winemiller
Past Master with First Lesser Light WB Barry Cunningham
Past Master with Second Lesser Light WB Joshua Lindley
Past Master with Third Lesser Light WB Fred Ford
Past Master with Symbol of Darkness WB Mikel Goldhardt
Past Master with Carpet WB Lou Ardit
Senior Steward WB Aaron Marion
Junior Steward WB Olaf Werishma
The Reconsecration team were then given Grand Honors. The ceremony of Reconsecration was then preformed in very fine order. At the conclusion of the ceremony the Grand Master said “In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, I have reconsecrated you, my beloved Brethren of Grove City Lodge #689 Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, and may the Supreme Architect of the Universe direct and counsel you in all of your doings. So Mote it be."
MWM Grindle then had the Grand Orator RWB Michael L. McCandlish speak about Grove City receiving a dispensation in August 1923 and the Charter was issued in October 1923 The Charter of Grove City Masonic Lodge #689 was then read by the Grand Secretary MWB Keith W. Newton. Upon conclusion the Charter was presented to MWM Grindle in the East MWM Grindle then called on the Lodge Historian WB Mikel Goldhardt to give us a history of the Lodge.
Some of the high points were as follows
• Mt. Sterling Lodge originally refused to consent to Grove City receiving a Charter. Upon appeal they agreed
• The original hall owner had a nervous breakdown during remodeling. His widow completed the remodel and charged the Lodge $25.00 a month
• 11/9/1923 original Lodge room was at Grossman’s Store
• In 1924 the Lodge spent $26.00 on cigars, more than the month’s rent
• In 1926 Rollin White purchased cigars for a picnic. Dr. Frank C. Wright criticized the cigars bought for the picnic and purchased new one and Brother White was not allow to buy cigars again.
• 1935 The Lodge moved to Marshall Kegg Building on Broadway
• 1948 the portrait of the first Worshipful master Dr. Frank C. Wright was commissioned for the 25th anniversary • 1954 bought a lot on South Broadway and later sold it for a profit.
• The three station pedestals were donated fro East Gate Lodge in 1923 • The first set of working tools were donated by Ralph R. Rickley in 1923, they were retired and are on display downstairs.
• The Warden’s columns were donated by Community Lodge in 1923
• The Tyler’s sword was donated by Dr. Frank C. Wright in 1928
• George Washington’s portrait was donated by Dr. Wright’s widow in 1937
• The Past Master frames were made and donated by WB Norwin Goldsmith 1945 and the new ones by his son WB Lyle Goldsmith.
• The Master Mason’s ship was donated by George Burros 1946
• The Fellowcraft steps by Bro. Cluffey from Groveport in 1958
• The WM, SW, JW Station Drapes were donated by MWB Ron Winnett 1989
• The rough and perfect Ashlars were donated by Jon Price in 1998
MWM Steven M. Grindle called on Brother Ted Barry who presented the lodge with a proclamation from the Mayor and City Council of Grove City.
The 14th District officers were introduced President WB Keith Fields 1st Vice President WB Eric Longstreth 2nd Vice President WB David M. Gizzo Secretary RWB Brian A. Bolyard PDDGM Sergeant-at-Arms WB Eric M. Kletrovetz Chaplin WB Patrick C. Mayer
The 14th District Education Officers were introduced WB Harold W. Davis WB John P. Stains WB Nicholas A. Bolyard WB Christopher S. Greise
The 14th District Deputy Grand Masters were introduced RWB Adam B. Michael RWB Clifford E. Nicol RWB Ronald E. Wike Jr.
The 14th District Adviser was introduced RWB Brian Bolyard
The Past grand Masters of Ohio who were in attendance were introduced MWB Ronald L. Winnett MWB Steven E. Cokonougher MWB Kevin W. Newton MWB Timothy S. Wheeland
MWB Steven M. Grindle then introduced his Grand Line Officers who were in attendance. Deputy Grand Master RWB Paul Weglage Grand Treasurer MWB Steven E. Cokonougher PGM Grand Secretary MWB Keith W. Newton, PGM Grand Chaplain RWB Mark D. Harris Grand Orator RWB Michael L. McCandlish Grand Marshall RWB Wayne A. Fischer Senior Grand Deacon RWB Ward L. Weber III Junior Grand Deacon RWB Jeffery M. Sime Grand Tyler RWB Keith J. Manbeck
Although Grove City’s Honorary Members were not introduced, all three were in attendance. RWB Jeff L. Rannebarger PDDGM RWB Gregory Brewer PDDGM RWB Daniel K. Rannebarger PDDGM
MWB Steven M. Grindle thanked all who were in attendance and commented that he thinks this is the first time that a Lodge member was older than the lodge at a 100 year Reconsecration and thanked WB Louis Ardit for participating in today special event. WB Ardit stood with appropriate protocol and thanked the Most Worshipful Master for being in Grove City today.
MWB Steven M. Grindle then started closing the Lodge. RWB Mark D. Harris was asked to give a closing prayer, after which RWB Ward L. Weber III and Brother Senior Deacon Jay Firm attended to the Alters. MWB Steven M. Grindle then closed the Lodge at 2:30 P.M.
Stated Meetings: 7:30 pm, 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month; Sept – June
Craft Club Meeting: 3rd Monday following stated meeting
Craft Club Breakfast: 8-10 am, first Saturday of each month, year round
Temple Company: 7:00 pm, second Tuesday of each month, Sept – June